Unleash Your Parenting Superpower 

LIVE 8-Week Online Support Program


For parents and carers of neurodivergent children who long to feel confident and empowered in their parenting journey–without feeling alone, judged, or scared


Starts Wed 11 Sept 2024

If you can't make the calls, you can access recordings

Only 10 places. Sign up today to secure your place.

Registration closes at 5 pm UK time on 10 Sept  2024.


Join us so you feel supported and find it easier to nurture a joyful future for your child


Parenting a neurodivergent child can often feel like an uphill battle, filled with moments of uncertainty, fear, and loneliness. But you don't need to face these challenges alone. That's where this program will help.

Any of these true for you?

✔️ You feel frustration and sadness at not knowing how to connect/understand your child to be able to support them better

✔️ You are suffering from exhaustion and the relentless demands of parenting, desperate for 'you time' but feeling torn, with no time left for your other children or yourself

✔️ You want to be able to go out and do the things that other families do, but feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells at home and in public, anxious about how your child will react to everyday situations.

✔️ You value your family and friends but you are losing them and/or are feeling judged and want to find a community that understands you and your child

If you've answered 'yes' to any of these questions, this program will equip you to be the confident empowered parent your child needs. 

 Welcome to the Unleash Your Parent Superpower Program

A transformational support program for parents of neurodiverse children, filled with practical tips and insightful, real-life parenting experiences.

Join us to:

  • Look forward to a more harmonious home: where chaos and stress are replaced with calm providing a safe haven for your family to thrive
  • Feel a deep sense of connection with your child  as you share heartfelt moments and experiences, bringing you closer together
  • Enjoy a growing sense of assurance each day as you gain confidence in your parenting, navigating the challenges with newfound knowledge and skills
  • Purposefully step into the role of a confident and knowledgeable advocate of your child’s needs, ensuring your child receives the right support and understanding
  • Connect with parents on similar paths and join a community of understanding parents:  exchanging stories and support that make the journey less daunting and more rewarding

 Unleash Your Parenting Superpower isn't just a course; it's a step towards a more enriching and confident parenting experience.

Hi I'm Karen Turner, and I've been there. I know how challenging parenting a neurodiverse child can be. 


Through personal experience I've also discovered how to give your child what they need and get the right support in place (for you and your child)–so you can cope better and worry less about the future. 


That's why I'm running this program. I love guiding parents like you from a place of fear and isolation to one of confidence, connection, and empowerment. 

Are you ready to take this step with me and join this supportive community where you'll feel heard and understood, without judgement?










Here's what you'll discover during the program

The program consists of a mix of training materials, practical exercises, live calls, and discussion. These are the topics we will explore:

Create More Harmony at Home

Discover essential strategies for creating harmony so you feel more confident managing common challenges at home. This includes taking a deep dive into neurodiversity so you have a better understanding of your child's perspective and learning powerful strategies for home harmony.

Cultivate a Deeper Connection with Your Child

Explore how to strengthen your bond with your child through compassionate communication. Understand their unique communication style, practice active listening, and adapt your parenting approach to build a deeper, more meaningful connection.

Stand Strong as Your Child’s Advocate in Education

Learn how to secure the best education and support for your child so they can become the best version of themselves. Navigate and understand educational policies, procedures, and structures so that you feel empowered to speak for your child with confidence,

Help Your Child Learn Life-Enhancing Social Skills

Discover strategies for nurturing your child's social skills so they find it easier to build genuine friendships and navigate the world around them. Also, create a resilience plan so that your child can confidently set boundaries and stand up against bullying.

Boost Support from Family & Friends

Learn to convey your child's unique experience of the world to loved ones, so your child feels more loved, accepted, and supported. Equip yourself to address skepticism,  be resilient, and set boundaries to safeguard your child's happiness and well-being.

Manage Emotional Overwhelm and Meltdowns

Explore triggers and sensory overload, and learn advanced strategies for managing meltdowns so that you can effectively de-escalate challenging situations and bring calm, and comfort to your child wherever you are–and feel better in yourself too.

Enjoy feeling fully supported

Course Materials

Receive videos, audios, and practical activities you can download and complete in your own time.

8 Weekly Support Calls 

Your chance to connect with parents in a similar position, ask questions, and get support as you go through the program. 

Online Community

Join our Facebook group so you can ask for help and support each other between live calls. Not on Facebook? That's why we have calls too. 

One-to-One Support 

Want extra personal support?

Sign up for optional sessions with me, at an additional cost, when you sign up. 

Are you ready to CREATE a more harmonious home life and better future for your child?


Sign up by 5pm UK time on Tuesday 10 September,  to receive these bonuses:

20-Minute Strategy Call

Let's have a chat in early January so you can share what you'd like to get from this program, and I share how to make the most of our time together. This will also help me tailor the program to your needs

Support Your Child through School Masterclass

Packed with practical tips and strategies to support both you and your child through the school routine, minimise meltdowns and help them cope at school

Mindful Parenting and Self Care

Learn the art of mindfulness to foster a deep sense of curiosity, calm and understanding in your parenting journey. Applying what you learn will help you cope better with challenging situations as they arise. 

Sign up NOW so you find it easier to cope and create a better relationship with your child

Your Investment

Imagine feeling more confident about parenting your child and coping with future challenges. 

How much would is this worth to you? 

I am running this program at a special one-off discounted price of £99 or US$125 for a limited period. Simply register before 21 July 2024 to lock in this price.  
Unsure whether this is right for you or want to do this on a one-to-one basis (£750/US$975)? Email me to arrange a quick chat so you find it easier to decide the best way forward for you. 

The Practicalities

  • Course materials - each module includes video, audio, and practical exercises. Core course materials will be released every week during the program. You'll be able to work through these in your own time and download them for lifetime access.
  • Online group coaching sessions - these calls will take place via Zoom, weekly from  Wed 11 Sept. Time of calls: 10-11 am GMT. Unable to make the live calls? Don't worry. You can submit your questions in advance and will receive a recording so you can listen to them anytime. 
  • BONUS: Strategy call - we will arrange a time for your 20-minute strategy call, at the start of the program. The purpose of this is for us to connect and for me to help you get the most from the program. 
  • BONUS: Supporting Your Child through School Masterclass - this will take place during September. If you're unable to make the live call, you will be able to submit questions in advance and will get access to the recording. 
  • BONUS: Mindfulparenting and Self Care Masterclass - this will take place after the end of the program, in Nov 2024. If you're unable to make the live call, you will get access to the recording.  
  • Optional one-to-one Support Calls - these will take place via Zoom. I do client calls on Tuesday and Thursday each week. 

Your child needs you to be the best parent and advocate you can be

Imagine waking up feeling calm and confident about the days or weeks ahead

You are coping better with the challenges of parenting a neurodiverse child and feel you are a better parent. You are striking a healthier balance between supporting your family and getting your needs met.  

Being part of a supportive group of like-minded parents has made coping day-too-day easier–it's good to have a safe place to vent, ask for help, and share ideas. You no longer feel so isolated. 

Most importantly, you feel you are being the best parent you can be for your child. None of us are perfect and you may not have all the answers yet. But you're proud you're invested in becoming the best parent and advocate you can be for your child. You are embracing the journey.

Imagine how much better that feels...

It's never too soon to invest in specialist parenting skills 

Frequently Asked Questions

Happiness Guarantee

I know this program will help you feel better as you parent your neurodiverse child. However, if you are not happy with the experience after having fully participated in the program (completing all training and attending all live calls), I'll happily refund 100% of what you've paid for the group program. I offer no refund for one-to-one calls which have already taken place. 


By the end of this empowering program, you'll be well on your way to being the best parent and advocate you can be for your child